Browsing articles from "May, 2012"

HGH-CTP and Weight Loss – Discover how growth hormones can reduce your weight

We’re sure that you’re aware of what Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is and how it has proved to be a boon for people suffering from hormonal deficiency – both adults and children alike. Other than these, HGH also works wonderfully for body builders and athletes. Hitting the market soon is HGH-CTP – the revised, more advanced version of the conventional HGH is a revolutionary revision that reduces the number of doses for a patient from […]


CTP-Modified Human Growth Hormone (HGH-CTP) and Muscle Building

Body builders (both professional and enthusiast) have talked extensively about the traditional Human Growth Hormones (HGH) for years.  Clinical studies conducted across years have shown that an increase in the body’s HGH levels can help a lot when it comes to muscle building. However, traditional HGH variants available in the market require daily injections which get extremely monotonous for the user very quickly and are not possible for multiple users. A solution to this could […]


What is HGH-CTP?

Everyone knows about HGH – Human Growth Hormones. Body Building enthusiasts throughout the world have been getting themselves ingested with HGH. It has also been put to use for treatment of children who suffer from stunted growth. Along with these, many patients suffering from weight-loss induced by fairly untreatable diseases such as AIDS – have successfully shown positive effects after being injected with HGH. Before explaining what HGH CTP is, allow us to give you […]